Уроки английского языка онлайн

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Основной курс, часть 1
Часть 2
Рассказы на английском языке
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О программе

Поурочный словарь и тексты к основному курсу учебника английского языка

  1. Vocabulary for Lesson One (the first lesson) (794 знака)
    Текст 1: We Learn Foreign Languages (936 знаков)
  2. Vocabulary for Lesson Two (the second lesson) (1192 знака)
    Текст 2: We Learn Foreign Languages (Continued) (1408 знаков)
  3. Vocabulary for Lesson Three (the third lesson) (876 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Three (Continued) (1001 знак)
    Текст 3: The Working Day of an Engineer (1139 знаков)
  4. Vocabulary for Lesson Four (the fourth lesson) (916 знаков)
    Текст 4: My Friend is a Children's Doctor Now (933 знака)
  5. Vocabulary for Lesson Five (the fifth lesson) (1051 знак)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Five (Continued) (1010 знаков)
    Неправильные глаголы (три формы). Урок содержит 27 неправильных глаголов (610 знаков)
    Текст 5: My Last Week-End (1261 знак)
  6. Vocabulary for Lesson Six (the sixth lesson) (1036 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Six (Continued) (1205 знаков)
    Текст 6: My Friend's Family (1369 знаков)
  7. Vocabulary for Lesson Seven (the seventh lesson) (1140 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Seven (Continued) (1081 знак)
    Текст 7: My Sister's Flat (1625 знаков)
  8. Vocabulary for Lesson Eight (the eighth lesson) (1096 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Eight (Continued) (998 знаков)
    Текст 8: At the Library (1323 знака)
  9. Vocabulary for Lesson Nine (the ninth lesson) (1562 знака)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Nine (Continued) (1584 знака)
    Текст 9: A Telephone Conversation (1238 знаков)
  10. Vocabulary for Lesson Ten (the tenth lesson) (1222 знака)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Ten (Continued) (1242 знака)
    Текст 10: A Letter to a Friend (1036 знаков)
  11. Vocabulary for Lesson Eleven (the eleventh lesson) (1103 знака)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Eleven (Continued) (1239 знаков)
    Текст 11: A Visit to Moscow (1484 знака)
  12. Vocabulary for Lesson Twelve (the twelfth lesson) (1303 знака)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Twelve (Continued) (1497 знаков)
    Текст 12: In the Lunch Hour (Meals) (1555 знаков)
  13. Vocabulary for Lesson Thirteen (the thirteenth lesson) (1151 знак)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Thirteen (Continued) (1084 знака)
    Текст 13: They are Leaving Moscow (1167 знаков)
    Диалог (490 знаков)
  14. Vocabulary for Lesson Fourteen (the fourteenth lesson) (1356 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Fourteen (Continued) (1507 знаков)
    Текст 14: A Sea Story (after W. W. Jacobs) (1696 знаков)
  15. Vocabulary for Lesson Fifteen (the fifteenth lesson) (1419 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Fifteen (Continued) (1634 знака)
    Текст 15: Shopping (1516 знаков)
  16. Vocabulary for Lesson Sixteen (the sixteenth lesson) (1300 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Sixteen (Continued) (1425 знаков)
    Текст 16: From Verkhoyansk to Sukhumi (1988 знаков)
    Диалоги (883 знака)
  17. Vocabulary for Lesson Seventeen (the seventeenth lesson) (753 знака)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Seventeen (Continued) (560 знаков)
    Текст 17: The United Kingdom (1360 знаков)
  18. Vocabulary for Lesson Eighteen (the eighteenth lesson) (1274 знака)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Eighteen (Continued) (1402 знака)
    Текст 18: The Childhood and Youth of Dickens (1283 знака)
    The Childhood and Youth of Dickens (Continued) (818 знаков)
  19. Vocabulary for Lesson Nineteen (the nineteenth lesson) (1931 знак)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Nineteen (Continued) (1837 знаков)
    Текст 19: The Lavrovs (1407 знаков)
    The Lavrovs (Continued) (1843 знака)
    Lesson 19: Dialogue (1109 знаков)
  20. Vocabulary for Lesson Twenty (the twentieth lesson) (2194 знака)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Twenty (Continued) (2231 знак)
    Текст 20: An Incident from the Life of a Russian Revolutionary (1996 знаков)
    An Incident from the Life of a Russian Revolutionary (Continued) (1308 знаков)
    Lesson 20: Dialogue (268 знаков)
  21. Vocabulary for Lesson Twenty-One (the twenty-first lesson) (1916 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Twenty-One (Continued) (1931 знак)
    Текст 21: Now He Belongs to the Ages (1275 знаков)
    Now He Belongs to the Ages (Continued) (1261 знак)
  22. Vocabulary for Lesson Twenty-Two (the twenty-second lesson) (2342 знака)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Twenty-Two (Continued) (2382 знака)
    Текст 22: The Open Window (after H. Munro) (2763 знака)
    The Open Window (Continued) (2136 знаков)
  23. Vocabulary for Lesson Twenty-Three (the twenty-third lesson) (2187 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Twenty-Three (Continued) (2004 знака)
    Текст 23: Her First Night (1972 знака)
    Lesson 23: Dialogue (1205 знаков)
  24. Vocabulary for Lesson Twenty-Four (the twenty-fourth lesson) (1117 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Twenty-Four (Continued) (1076 знаков)
    Текст 24: A Piece of Soap (after H. Munro) (1716 знаков)
    A Piece of Soap (Continued) (1925 знаков)
    Lesson 24: Dialogue (1326 знаков)
  25. Vocabulary for Lesson Twenty-Five (the twenty-fifth lesson) (1691 знак)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Twenty-Five (Continued) (1449 знаков)
    Текст 25: Post Haste (after Colin Howard) (1653 знака)
    Post Haste (Continued) (1767 знаков)
    Lesson 25: Dialogue (1252 знака)
  26. Vocabulary for Lesson Twenty-Six (the twenty-sixth lesson) (1328 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Twenty-Six (Part 2) (1364 знака)
    Vocabulary for Lesson Twenty-Six (Part 3) (1214 знаков)
    Текст 26: Mr Winkle on the Ice (after Charles Dickens) (1897 знаков)
    Mr Winkle on the Ice (Continued) (1760 знаков)
    Lesson 26: Dialogue (1176 знаков)

Часть 2

  1. Vocabulary for Lesson 1 (1477 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 1 (Part 2) (1605 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 1 (Part 3) (1530 знаков)
    John Reed's Biography (by Albert Rhys Williams) (1440 знаков)
    John Reed's Biography (Continued) (1643 знака)
  2. Vocabulary for Lesson 2 (1444 знака)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 2 (Part 2) (1390 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 2 (Part 3) (1500 знаков)
    Mark Twain's Biography (851 знак)
    Mistaken Identity (by Mark Twain) (1407 знаков)
    Mistaken Identity (Continued) (1451 знак)
  3. Vocabulary for Lesson 3 (730 знаков)
    Dialogues: The Hotel (859 знаков)
  4. Vocabulary for Lesson 4 (1439 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 4 (Part 2) (1539 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 4 (Part 3) (1471 знак)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 4 (Part 4) (1429 знаков)
    W. Somerset Maugham's Short Biography (419 знаков)
    The Creative Impulse (by W. S. Maugham) (1247 знаков)
    The Creative Impulse (Episode 2) (1634 знака)
    The Creative Impulse (Episode 3) (1614 знаков)
  5. Vocabulary for Lesson 5 (1595 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 5 (Part 2) (1494 знака)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 5 (Part 3) (1679 знаков)
    The Creative Impulse (Episode 4) (1835 знаков)
    The Creative Impulse (Episode 5) (1881 знак)
    The Creative Impulse (Episode 6) (1644 знака)
    The Creative Impulse (Episode 7) (1013 знаков)
  6. Vocabulary for Lesson 6 (1678 знаков)
    Dialogue: Impressions of a Film (863 знака)
  7. Vocabulary for Lesson 7 (1518 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 7 (Part 2) (1609 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 7 (Part 3) (1542 знака)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 7 (Part 4) (1812 знаков)
    O. Henry's Short Biography (734 знака)
    He Overdid it (from the story “The Rathskeller and the Rose” by O. Henry) (1594 знака)
    The Rathskeller and the Rose (Episode 2) (1742 знака)
    The Rathskeller and the Rose (Episode 3) (1685 знаков)
  8. Vocabulary for Lesson 8 (1600 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 8 (Part 2) (1710 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 8 (Part 3) (1714 знаков)
    Theodore Dreiser's Short Biography (996 знаков)
    A Future Businessman (from “The Financier” by Theodore Dreiser) (1577 знаков)
    The Financier (Episode 2) (1214 знаков)
    The Financier (Episode 3) (1364 знака)
  9. Vocabulary for Lesson 9 (1820 знаков)
    Dialogues: At the Office (757 знаков)
  10. Vocabulary for Lesson 10 (1413 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 10 (Part 2) (1298 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 10 (Part 3) (1563 знака)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 10 (Part 4) (1356 знаков)
    Bernard Shaw's Short Biography (745 знаков)
    The Serenade (by G. Bernard Shaw) (977 знаков)
    The Serenade (Episode 2) (1358 знаков)
    The Serenade (Episode 3) (1504 знака)
  11. Vocabulary for Lesson 11 (1505 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 11 (Part 2) (1432 знака)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 11 (Part 3) (1442 знака)
    The Serenade (Episode 4) (1648 знаков)
    The Serenade (Episode 5) (1530 знаков)
    The Serenade (Episode 6) (1107 знаков)
  12. Vocabulary for Lesson 12 (1696 знаков)
    Dialogues: Talk about the Weather (1277 знаков)
  13. Vocabulary for Lesson 13 (1600 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 13 (Part 2) (1439 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 13 (Part 3) (1326 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 13 (Part 4) (1213 знаков)
    A. J. Cronin's Short Biography (1040 знаков)
    At the Restaurant (by A. J. Cronin) (1122 знака)
    A Thing of Beauty (Episode 2) (1394 знака)
    A Thing of Beauty (Episode 3) (1390 знаков)
  14. Vocabulary for Lesson 14 (888 знаков)
    Dialogues: Snack (809 знаков)
  15. Vocabulary for Lesson 15 (1549 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 15 (Part 2) (1670 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 15 (Part 3) (1589 знаков)
    Harriet Beecher-Stowe's Short Biography (495 знаков)
    On the Way to Freedom (by Harriet Beecher-Stowe) (1320 знаков)
    Uncle Tom's Cabin (Episode 2) (1612 знаков)
    Uncle Tom's Cabin (Episode 3) (1485 знаков)
  16. Vocabulary for Lesson 16 (1283 знака)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 16 (Part 2) (1083 знака)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 16 (Part 3) (1044 знака)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 16 (Part 4) (1011 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 16 (Part 5) (1433 знака)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 16 (Part 6) (1698 знаков)
    A Custom House Incident (by Nigel Balchin) (1424 знака)
    A Custom House Incident (Episode 2) (1208 знаков)
    A Custom House Incident (Episode 3) (1701 знак)
    A Custom House Incident (Episode 4) (1028 знаков)
  17. Vocabulary for Lesson 17 (1136 знаков)
    Dialogue: My Friend Goes Abroad (645 знаков)
  18. Vocabulary for Lesson 18 (1215 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 18 (Part 2) (1309 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 18 (Part 3) (1470 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 18 (Part 4) (1143 знака)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 18 (Part 5) (1052 знака)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 18 (Part 6) (832 знака)
    The Last Leaf (by O. Henry) (1389 знаков)
    The Last Leaf (Episode 2) (2034 знака)
    The Last Leaf (Episode 3) (1282 знака)
    The Last Leaf (Episode 4) (799 знаков)
    The Last Leaf (Episode 5) (1567 знаков)
  19. Vocabulary for Lesson 19 (1637 знаков)
    Dialogue: Going to See a Doctor (636 знаков)
  20. Vocabulary for Lesson 20 (1659 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 20 (Part 2) (1695 знаков)
    Vocabulary for Lesson 20 (Part 3) (1515 знаков)
    Katherine Mansfield's Short Biography (661 знак)
    A Cup of Tea (by Katherine Mansfield) (1030 знаков)
    A Cup of Tea (Episode 2) (1515 знаков)
    A Cup of Tea (Episode 3) (1463 знака)
    A Cup of Tea (Episode 4) (1875 знаков)
    A Cup of Tea (Episode 5) (766 знаков)

Рассказы на английском языке

К каждому фрагменту текста прилагается соответствующий список новых слов и выражений, что позволяет проходить слова и текст одного эпизода за другим.

  1. О. Генри. Дары волхвов. Текст и аудиозапись на английском языке
    Active words 1 (750 знаков)
    Words 1-2 (303 знака)
    Words 1-3 (473 знака)
    Words 1-4 (592 знака)
    Words 1-5 (253 знака)
    Words 1-6 (440 знаков)
    Words 1-7 (481 знак)
    Words 1-8 (367 знаков)
    The Gift of the Magi (by O. Henry) (1598 знаков)
    The Gift of the Magi (Episode 2) (1211 знаков)
    The Gift of the Magi (Episode 3) (1543 знака)
    The Gift of the Magi (Episode 4) (1626 знаков)
    The Gift of the Magi (Episode 5) (1103 знака)
    The Gift of the Magi (Episode 6) (1508 знаков)
    The Gift of the Magi (Episode 7) (1177 знаков)
    The Gift of the Magi (Episode 8) (1423 знака)
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Использованная литература:
Бонк Н. А. Учебник английского языка. В 2-х ч. Часть 1. / Н. А. Бонк, Г. А. Котий, Н. А. Лукьянова — М.: ГИС, 1992. — 637 с.
Бонк Н. А. Учебник английского языка. В 2-х ч. Часть 2. / Н. А. Бонк, Н. А. Лукьянова, Л. Г. Памухина — М.: ГИС, 1992. — 511 с.

Мюллер В. К. Англо-русский словарь. Современная редакция / В. К. Мюллер. — М.: ЮНВЕС, 2004. — 768 с.