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"oa" [əV]:a coat [ə ´kəVt] — ‘пиджак, пальто’;a shirt — ‘рубашка’;trousers [´traVzəz] (pl.) — ‘брюки’;a dress — ‘платье’;a hat — ‘шляпа’;a suit [ə ´sjHt] — ‘костюм’;clothes (pl.) [kləVDz] — ‘одежда’;a shoe [ə ´SH] — ‘туфля’:a pair [peə] of shoes — ‘пара туфель’;a boot [ə ´bHt] — ‘ботинок’;a high boot — ‘сапог’;all over the place — ‘по всей комнате’;ready [´redI] — ‘готовый’;prepared — ‘готовый’:Are you ready yet?to be ready for — ‘…к чему-л.’:Are you ready for the examination?to get ready — ‘готовиться’;to prepare — ‘готовиться’:Will you get all the letters and telegrams ready, please? — ‘подготовьте’ He's preparing for his holiday.
a home town — ‘родной город’;to pack — ‘упаковывать’:Have you packed (up) your things? — ‘Вы уже упаковали…?’ He packed his books into a big box.
the rest (of) — ‘остальной’:the rest of the things — ‘остальные вещи’;the rest of the work (book, day) — ‘остальная часть…’;about — ‘около, примерно’:He's about forty. — ‘Ему около сорока’ That's about all I was going to say.
a suit-case [ə ´sjHtkeis] — ‘чемодан’;food [´fHd] — ‘пища’;a shop — ‘магазин’;to shop — ‘делать покупки’:to go (out) shopping — ‘ходить в маг. за покупками’;to do some (one's) shopping — ‘делать покупки’:Will you go shopping after breakfast?I've got some shopping to do this afternoon. — ‘надо сделать покупки’
an address [ən ə´dres] — ‘адрес’;a railway station — ‘вокзал, ж.д. станция’;a taxi [ə ´tæksI] — ‘такси’:to take a taxi — ‘взять такси’;to wait — ‘ждать’:to wait for — ‘ждать кого-л. (что-л.)’:Who are you waiting for? - I'm waiting for a friend.
to be in a hurry — ‘делать что-л. в спешке’:He couldn't talk to all of us because he was in a hurry to leave.You shouldn't do the work in a hurry.He is hurrying home. — ‘(быстро идёт)’ He is in a hurry to go home. — ‘(не терпится уйти)’
to make breakfast (dinner, supper) — ‘готовить завтрак’;to say good-bye (to) — ‘попрощаться с кем-л.’:He said good-bay to us and hurried away (off). — ‘…быстро ушел’