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different [´dIfərənt] — ‘1. другой, отличающийся’:This pen isn't mine. Mine is quite different.That's quite different. — ‘Это совсем другое дело’The brothers are more different than you think.different — ‘разнообразный’:A department store sells very many different things. — ‘…разных вещей’
various [´veərIəs] — ‘различные’:various books, various people;a moment — ‘момент’:Please wait a moment. — ‘подождите минутку’ Sorry I can't see you. — ‘не могу принять’ I'm busy at the moment. — ‘сейчас занят’At that moment he stopped.
just — ‘1. только, просто’:I don't want to buy anything. I'm just looking round.Just a moment, please! — ‘Одну минуточку!’just — ‘2. только что’:He has just gone out.just — ‘3. сейчас’:I'm just coming. — ‘Сейчас иду.’
lucky [´lAkI] — ‘счастливый, удачливый’:to be lucky — ‘везти, быть удачливым’:I hope we'll be lucky. [´lAkI] — ‘Надеюсь, нам повезёт’You were lucky enough to get tickets. — ‘вам повезло, что…’
lovely [´lAvlI] — ‘прекрасный’;expensive [Iks´pensiv] — ‘дорогой (стоимость)’;cheap — ‘дешевый’;dear [dIə] — ‘дорогой’:This dress is too dear (= expensive) for me.This is an expensive suit. (перед сущ.)
to matter — ‘иметь значение’:it (that) doesn't matter (to me). — ‘Мне всё равно.’How much is it? — ‘Сколько стоит?’
to pay (paid, paid) — ‘платить, заплатить’:How much did you pay for these shoes? — ‘Сколько вы заплатили…’
cash-desk — ‘касса’;inside [´In´saId] — ‘внутри, в помещении’;outside — ‘снаружи’:The children are still outside. — ‘всё еще на улице’
along [ə´lPN] — ‘вместе, с собой’:to go (come) along with smb. — ‘идти вместе с кем-л.’:Please let me go along with you. - Certainly. Come along.along a street (a river) — ‘по улице (реке)’;dark — ‘тёмный’:dark-brown, dark-blue — ‘тёмно-синий’, dark-green;to match — ‘сочетаться’:Your gloves match your hat. — ‘подходят’I want a tie to match my suit. — ‘нужен который подходил бы’She had a blue suit on, with a bag and shoes to match. — ‘…в тон’
a watch [ə ´wPtS] — ‘часы (карм., наручн.)’;rather [´rRDə] — ‘довольно’:It's rather cold here. — ‘Здесь довольно холодно’He did rather badly in his exam. — ‘дов. плохо сдал’This is a rather good book. I think you'll like it. — ‘она вам понравится’
late — ‘поздний’;early — ‘ранний’:It's better to be too early than too be late for (to) — ‘опоздать куда-л.’:Nick was late for (to) classes yesterday. — ‘опоздал на урок’late — ‘поздно’:Better late than never.quickly [´kwIklI] — ‘быстро’;slowly [´sləVlI] — ‘медленно’;fast [´fRst] — ‘быстро’:to speak fast;a clock — ‘часы (стационарн.)’:an alarm [ə´lRm]-clock — ‘будильник’;What time is it (by your watch)? — ‘Который час?’ It's (a) quarter to ten. — ‘Без четверти 10’My watch is slow. — ‘Мои часы отстают’Her watch is three minutes fast. — ‘спешат на 3 мин’My watch is going (working) very well.
-less [lIs] (суффикс, означает отсутствие качества):endless — ‘бесконечный’;childless — ‘бездетный’