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"gu" [g]:guest [gest] — ‘гость’
-ness [nIs] → абстрактн. сущ.:happy — ‘счастливый’ - happiness — ‘счастье’
-dom [dqm] → абстрактн. сущ.:free — ‘свободный’ - freedom — ‘свобода’
dis- [dIs] → противоположн. знач.:to appear [tV q´pIq] — ‘появляться’ - to disappear [tq "dIsq´pIq] — ‘исчезать’;to continue [tq kqn´tInjH] — ‘продолжать’ - to discontinue [tq ´dIskqn´tInjH] — ‘прекращать’;appearance [q´pIqrqns] — ‘появление’ - disappearance [dIsq´pIqrqns] — ‘исчезновение’
pale — ‘бледный’;to be (look) pale — ‘быть бледным’;to happen [tq ´hxpn] — ‘случаться’:It happened ten years ago.
to take place — ‘происходить (синоним)’:When did this take place?
to happen to smb. — ‘случаться с кем-л.’:She asked whether anything had happened to him. — ‘не С. ли с ним чего-н.’Did anything happen to him?Why didn't he come?
What's happened to you today?You're making a lot of mistakes.
What's the matter with you? — ‘Что с вами?’ You're very pale.
What's wrong with your watch? — ‘Что С. с вашими часами?’
war [wL] — ‘война’;peace [pJs] — ‘мир’;at war — ‘в состоянии войны’;at peace — ‘в мире’:We want to live at peace with other peoples. — ‘…с другими народами’
the Great Patriotic ["pxtrI´PtIk] War — ‘В. О. война’;the Second World War (= World War II (Two)) — ‘2-я мировая в.’;to fight [tq ´faIt] (fought [fLt], fought) — ‘бороться, сражаться’:to fight against [q´genst] smb. (smth.) for smth. — ‘Б. против кого-л. за…’:The peoples of the world fight for peace against war.
a fascist [q ´fxSIst] — ‘фашист’;to defend [tq dI´fend] — ‘защищать’:to defend smth. (smb.) from smth. (smb.) — ‘З. что-л. от чего-л.’:In 1812 the Russian people defended their country from the French army.
independence ["IndI´pendqns] — ‘независимость’;(the) front — ‘фронт’:on the front — ‘на фронте’;one day — ‘однажды’;fierce [fIqs] — ‘жестокое (сражение)’;a battle — ‘битва, сражение’:a fierce battle — ‘ожесточенное сражение’;an army — ‘армия’:the Soviet Army — ‘Советская Армия’;the Red Army — ‘Красная Армия’;to defeat [tq dI´fJt] — ‘победить’:In January and February 1944 the Soviet Army defeated the German fascists at Leningrad and Novgorod [´nPvgrPd]. — ‘нанесла поражение’
an enemy [qn ´enImI] — ‘враг’;a unit [q ´jHnIt] — ‘часть (воинская)’;to liberate [tq ´lIbqreIt] — ‘освобождать’;liberation ["lIbq´reISn] — ‘освобождение’;at first — ‘сначала, первое время’;first — ‘сначала, в перв.очередь’:first of all — ‘прежде всего’:At first we didn't like him, but when we got to know him better, we became great friends.First you must finish reading the article, then begin to translate it.
to turn round — ‘обернуться’:Somebody called out to me, I turned round and saw an old friend.
to turn back — ‘повернуть назад, вернуться’;to turn on (the light, the water [´wLtq], the gas, the television set, the radio, etc.) — ‘включать’;to turn off — ‘выключать’;to turn pale — ‘побледнеть’;to kill — ‘убивать’:To kill two birds with one stone. — ‘…одним камнем’
to be killed — ‘быть У., погибнуть’;an accident [qn ´xksIdqnt] — ‘авария, случай’:He was killed in a train accident. — ‘…в ж-д катастрофе’
a soldier [q ´sqVlGq] — ‘солдат’;an officer [qn ´PfIsq] — ‘офицер’;to realize [tq ´rIqlaIz] — ‘осознавать’;to understand [tV "Andq´stxnd] (understood ["Andq´stVd], understood) — ‘понимать’:Do you understand my question?I don't understand what he's talking about.I realized that everybody was looking at me. — ‘понял (ощутил)’When he realized what had happened, he was sorry. — ‘…пожалел об этом’