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particular [pq´tIkjVlq] — ‘особый, особенный’;particularly [pq´tIkjVlqlI] — ‘особенно, очень’;especially [Is´peSqlI] — ‘особый, особенный’:particularly well — ‘особенно хорошо’;particularly easy — ‘особенно легкий’:The last story seemed particularly (especially) interesting to me. — ‘…показался мне…’
shake (shook, shaken) — ‘1. трясти’:to shake a table-cloth — ‘встряхнуть скатерь’;to shake a raincoat — ‘встряхнуть плащ’;to shake one's head — ‘качать головой (отказать)’ ;to shake hands (with), to shake one's hand — ‘пожать руку’:The wind was so strong that it shook the windows. — ‘дрожали стёкла’I only shook my head in answer to his question. — ‘в ответ на его вопрос’The two friends shook hands and parted. — ‘…и расстались.’He shook hands with everybody.
to shake — ‘2. дрожать, трястись’;Syn. (синоним):to tremble with nervousness, fear — ‘дрожать от волнения…’;to shake with fear — ‘дрожать от страха’;to shake with excitement [Ik´saItmqnt], cold — ‘Д. от волнения, холода’:She was shaking with fear.
to shake — ‘3. потрясать, поражать’:The news shook her.
shaky — ‘шаткий (о вещах)’;take after (took, taken) — ‘походить на родителей’:He takes after his mother in character and his father in looks. — ‘Он пошел в мать…’ He looks like his elder brother. — ‘похож (внешностью)’
nature [´neItSq] — ‘1. природа’;nature — ‘2. натура, характер’:by nature — ‘по натуре, от рождения’:He is very kind by nature. — ‘очень добр по нат.’
good-natured — ‘добродушный’;ill-natured (lit.) — ‘злой, с плохим характ.’ ;natural [´nxtSqrql] — ‘натуральный, естественный’:natural good manners — ‘естественные манеры’;a natural colour — ‘естественный цвет’;natural flowers — ‘живые цветы’;to be natural — ‘быть естественным’ :It's quite natural for him to do so.
a university degree — ‘звание по диплому’;demand [dI´mRnd] — ‘1. требование’:the workers demands — ‘требования рабочих’;demand — ‘2. спрос’:demand for — ‘спрос на’:The demand for seats was so great that all the tickets were sold out as soon as the box-office opened.
to be in (great, little, small) demand — ‘пользоваться спросом’;supply [sq´plaI] — ‘предложение, запас’:supply and demand — ‘спрос и предложение’:Books are in great demand in our country.Winter coats are not much in demand in summer.
poem [´pqVIm] — ‘поэма, стихотворение’;journalist [´GE:nqlIst] — ‘журналист’;experience [Iks´pIqrIqns] — ‘жизн. опыт, практика’:to know smth. by (from) experience — ‘знать по опыту’;to have a wide (little) experience in smth. or in doing smth. — ‘иметь опыт в чем-л.’:We learn a lot by experience. — ‘многое узнаём’ He has had a wide experience in teaching French. — ‘У него большой опыт…’