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fault [´fLlt] — ‘вина, ответственность’ (= responsibility for smth. wrong):It was my fault.It is your own fault. — ‘Вы сами виноваты’Whose fault is it that we are late? — ‘в том, что мы опоздали?’
through no fault of mine (his, hers) — ‘не по моей вине’:The machine broke down through no fault of theirs. — ‘не по их вине’
fault — ‘2. дефект, ошибка’:There is a fault in the machine. — ‘В машине есть дефект’There are many faults in the book. — ‘много недостатков’In spite of her faults we all like her. — ‘любим несмотря’
to find fault with smb., smth. — ‘придираться к…’:Don't take any notice of her. — ‘Не обращайте внимания’ She is always finding fault (with things). — ‘Она всегда П.’Why does he so often find fault with her work? — ‘П. к её работе?’
faulty — ‘недоброкачественный’:faulty goods (materials, machines) — ‘Н. товары…’
blame — ‘винить, порицать’:to blame smb. for smth. — ‘В. кого-л. за что-л.’:If anything goes wrong, don't blame me.You mustn't blame her for that. It wasn't her fault.I do not blame you. — ‘Я не виню вас.’
to be to blame — ‘быть виноватым’:The question is who is to blame for the mistake.You alone are to blame. — ‘Виноваты только вы.’I am not to blame for what has happened. — ‘в том, что произошло’But:He was found guilty (в судебном порядке) of stealing the books. — ‘в краже книг’
waste [weIst] — ‘даром тратить’;literary — ‘лит-й, начитанный’;artistic [R´tIstIk] — ‘художественный’;power [´paVq] — ‘1. сила, власть’:It was not in the doctor's power to save the child's life. — ‘Врач был не в силах’He'll do everything in his power to help us. — ‘сделает всё, что сможет’
power — ‘2. сила, энергия’:a power-station — ‘электростанция’
power — ‘3. государство’:the Great Powers — ‘великие державы’
powerful — ‘мощный, могучий’:a powerful man, machine, voice;powerless — ‘бессильный’;surround [sq´raVnd] — ‘окружать’:to be surrounded by — ‘быть О. чем-л.’:Old castles [´kRslz] are often surrounded by high walls. — ‘Старые за́мки…’
secret [´sJkrIt] — ‘секрет’;figure [´fIgq] — ‘фигура’;partner [´pRtnq] — ‘партнер’;settle — ‘решить, урегул-ть’;nicely — ‘хорошо, отлично’:You did it very nicely. — ‘тактично это сделали’
nice — ‘приятный, милый’:It was very nice of you to help them. — ‘мило с вашей стороны’
a nice boy (girl, man) — ‘милый мальчик’;a good book — ‘хорошая книга’;a pleasant conversation — ‘приятный разговор’;good manners — ‘хорошие манеры’;nice warm weather;a nice day — ‘хороший день’
income [´inkqm] — ‘доход’;argument [´RgjVmqnt] — ‘аргумент, довод’;nearly [´nIqlI] — ‘почти, чуть не’;almost [´LlmqVst] — ‘почти’:I nearly made a mistake. — ‘чуть не сделал’It is nearly evening (morning). — ‘Уже почти вечер’
nearly ready (finished, written) — ‘почти готовый…’