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over- [´qVvq] — ‘пере-, сверх, за’:a crowd [q ´kraVd] — ‘толпа’:There was a large crowd in the street. — ‘На улице стояла…’
to be crowded — ‘быть полным народу’:The tram was so crowded that we couldn't get on it.
to be overcrowded — ‘быть переполненным’:The bus was overcrowded.
to show into — ‘провести в’;a breakdown — ‘потрясение’;a painter — ‘художник’;to paint — ‘1. красить’:He painted the walls green.
to paint — ‘2. писать картину’:Have you seen any pictures painted by Repin in his youth?
to warn [tq ´wLn] — ‘предостерегать’:to warn smb. of smth. — ‘П. кого-л. о чем-л.’;to warn smb. against (doing) smth. — ‘П. против чего-л.’:The soldier warned his comrades of the coming danger.The doctor warned his patient against working too hard. — ‘чтобы не перегружался’
to warn smb. not to do smth. — ‘П. чтобы не делать’:The doctor warned him not to go out. — ‘чтобы не выходил на улицу’Has anyone warned them of the danger? — ‘Кто-нибудь предупредил?’But:Did you tell everybody about the meeting? — ‘предупредили (сказали)?’
a warning — ‘предупреждение’;to attack [q´txk] — ‘атаковать’:We were attacked without (any) warning. — ‘На нас напали без П.’
a resort [q ´rIzLt] — ‘курорт’;to recommend [tq "rekq´mend] — ‘рекомендовать’;complete [kqm´plJt] — ‘полный, абсолютный’:the complete works of ... — ‘полное собрание сочинений’:He's a complete stranger to me. — ‘совершенно незнаком’ It was a complete surprise to us.
quiet [´kwaIqt] — ‘тихий, бесшумный’:a quiet evening (street);a quiet life — ‘спокойная жизнь’;to be (keep) quiet — ‘не шуметь’:Be (keep) quiet! — ‘Тихо!’
an introduction [qn "Intrq´dAkSn] — ‘1. введение’;an introduction — ‘2. знакомство’:a letter of introduction — ‘рекоменд. письмо’;a tragedy [q ´trxGqdI] — ‘трагедия’;to point to smth. — ‘указать на что-л.’;to owe [tV ´qV] — ‘быть должным’:How much do I owe you for all this?
a French window — ‘застекленная дверь’;to have smth. to do (with) — ‘иметь общее с’:They have nothing to do with this matter. — ‘не имеют отношения к делу’
to go shooting — ‘ходить на охоту’;to turn over — ‘перевернуть(ся)’;to overturn — ‘перевернуться’:Turn over the page, please.
a body [q ´bPdI] — ‘тело’;horrible [´hPrIbl] — ‘ужасный’;a tear [q ´tIq] — ‘слеза’;to draw [drL] (drew [drH], drawn [drLn]) — ‘тянуть, тащить’;to draw — ‘2. рисовать, чертить’;a drawing [q ´drLIN] — ‘рисунок, чертеж’;a handkerchief [q ´hxNkqCIf] — ‘носовой платок’;a pocket [q ´pPkIt] — ‘карман’;to pass [pRs] — ‘проходить, проезжать’:Please let me pass.
to pass by — ‘1. пройти мимо’;to go past — ‘пройти мимо’:Many people passed by the little house and no one asked who lived there. — ‘никто не интересовался’ Many people went past the tribune [´trIbjHn].
to pass — ‘2. проходить (о времени)’:How many years have passed since I last saw you?
to pass — ‘3. передавать’:Please pass me the salt.
for ever [fqr´evq] — ‘навсегда (лит.)’;for good — ‘навсегда (разг.)’:Are you leaving for good or do you intend to come back?
day by day — ‘изо дня в день’:The sick man was very weak at first, but after the operation he got better day by day.
advice [qd´vaIs] — ‘советы (неисчисл.)’:a piece of advice (some advice) — ‘один совет’;to give advice — ‘давать советы’;to take (follow) smb.'s advice — ‘следовать совету’:He gave me a piece of good advice, and I think I'll take it.He gave me some advice, but I didn't take it.
news — ‘новости (неисчисл.)’:The radio gives us a lot of news every day.This news was (ед. число!) very interesting.
a feeling — ‘чувство’;information [Infq´meISn] — ‘инф.(неисчисл.)’:This information is very important.
sad — ‘грустный, печальный’;progress [´prqVgres] — ‘успехи (неисчисл.)’:to make progress — ‘делать успехи’:You'll make good progress in your English if you read a lot. — ‘сделаете большие У.’
over — ‘1. над (предлог)’:There's a lamp over the table.
over — ‘2. более чем’:There were over a hundred people. — ‘свыше ста’
over — ‘3. через, за’:He lives over the river. — ‘живет за рекой’
once [wAns] — ‘однажды, когда-то’;one day — ‘однажды’;one morning (evening) — ‘однажды утром’:There once lived an old man. — ‘Жил-был когда-то старик.’