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a library [ə ´laIbrərI] — ‘библиотека’Literature [´lItərItSə] — ‘литература’:a lecture in Literature — ‘лекция по лит-ре’so — ‘поэтому, итак’:I decided to go to the country on Sunday.So I got up very early.History [´hIstərI] — ‘история’Geography [GI´OgrəfI] — ‘география’people [´pJpl] — ‘народ (люди)’:There were a lot of people in the room.people — ‘народ (национальность)’:The peoples of our countrybecause [bI´kOz] — ‘потому что’(Syn) as — ‘так как’a librarian [ə laI´breərIən] — ‘библиотекарь’a writer — ‘писатель, автор’by — ‘указ. на авторство’:a book by Gogol [gPgl] — ‘книга Гоголя’
childhood [´tSaIldhVd] — ‘детство’:I lived in the country in my childhood.difficult [´dIfIkəlt] — ‘трудный’too — ‘слишком’:The book is too difficult for me (to read). — ‘…слишком трудна’ease [´JzI] — ‘легкий’all — ‘всё’:He told me all about it.We know all about them. — ‘всё о них’all — ‘все’:all of them — ‘все они’:All of us were glad to see them. — ‘Все мы…’They're all here.They all came.They have all come.All children like to ask questions.All the children (данного класса) stood up when the teacher came into the classroom.right — ‘правильный, правый’wrong — ‘неверный, несправедливый’:That's right.That's wrong.
to be right (wrong)You are right (wrong).All right! — ‘хорошо, ладно’to show (showed, shown) [tə ´SəV, SəVd, SəVn] — ‘показывать’a show — ‘показ’:a television show, a TV showBut:a radio broadcast [´brLdkRst] — ‘радиопередача’to bring (brought, brought) [tə ´brIN, brLt] — ‘приносить, привозить и т.п.’:Please bring me an interesting book to read.Please come and see us on Saturday and bring your daughter with take (took, taken) — ‘относить, отводить’just — ‘только что’away [ə´weI] — ‘прочь, отсюда’:to go away — ‘уходить, уезжать’:Our friends soon went away. — ‘…вскоре уехали’I am going.I must be going now. — ‘Мне нужно идти’